h12 Stand With Ukraine

Upgrading 4.4.3 ROM for HTC One

11 June 2014

Upgrade your rooted Google Play Edition

How to Disable the Touchpad in Linux?

10 June 2014

Have you ever been annoyed by accidentally touching the touchpad on your laptop when you are typing?

I am using a Linux laptop with both trackpoint and touchpad so the touchpad is just an annoying redundant thing. Here is the one-liner to disable it:

xinput list | grep TouchPad | grep -Po 'id=\K([0-9]+)' | xargs xinput disable

gosweep: A shell script to do various checks on Go code

5 June 2014

This script performs the build, test and automatic checking of a Go package and its sub-packages using:

  1. gofmt
  2. goimports
  3. golint
  4. go vet
  5. ineffassign
  6. race detector
  7. test coverage on package and its sub-packages, /vendor directories excluded
  8. goveralls
  9. gocyclo
  10. misspell

Migrated from my Gist.


To setup all the dependencies need to run the script do:

$ go get -v github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell
$ go get -v github.com/fzipp/gocyclo
$ go get -v github.com/golang/lint/golint
$ go get -v github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign
$ go get -v github.com/h12w/gosweep
$ go get -v github.com/mattn/goveralls
$ go get -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports

Environment variables

  • GOCYCLO_COMPLEXITY: maximum allowed function complexity threshold (default: 5).
  • MISSPELL_LOCALE: English locale (default: US).

If you wish to set this for a project you can create a .gosweep file. For example:

$ cat .gosweep

Continuous Integration


Example of .travis.yml file for Go:

language: go
    - ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/vendor
    - ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/fzipp
    - ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/golang
    - ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/gordonklaus
    - ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/h12w
    - ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/mattn
  - tip
  - 1.8
  - 1.7
  - 1.6
sudo: false


  - go get -v github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell
  - go get -v github.com/fzipp/gocyclo
  - go get -v github.com/golang/lint/golint
  - go get -v github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign
  - go get -v github.com/h12w/gosweep
  - go get -v github.com/mattn/goveralls
  - go get -v -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports

  - bash ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/h12w/gosweep/gosweep.sh

Getgo: a concurrent, simple and extensible web scraping framework

2 June 2014

GoDoc Build Status

Getgo is a concurrent, simple and extensible web scraping framework written in Go.

Quick start

Get Getgo

go get -u github.com/h12w/getgo

Define a task

This example is under the examples/goblog directory. To use Getgo to scrap structured data from a web page, just define the structured data as a Go struct (golangBlogEntry), and define a corresponding task (golangBlogIndexTask).

type golangBlogEntry struct {
	Title string
	URL   string
	Tags  *string

type golangBlogIndexTask struct {
	// Variables in task URL, e.g. page number

func (t golangBlogIndexTask) Request() *http.Request {
	return getReq(`http://blog.golang.org/index`)

func (t golangBlogIndexTask) Handle(root *query.Node, s getgo.Storer) (err error) {
	root.Div(_Id("content")).Children(_Class("blogtitle")).For(func(item *query.Node) {
		title := item.Ahref().Text()
		url := item.Ahref().Href()
		tags := item.Span(_Class("tags")).Text()
		if url != nil && title != nil {
			store(&golangBlogEntry{Title: *title, URL: *url, Tags: tags}, s, &err)

Run the task

Use util.Run to run the task and print all the result to standard output.


To store the parsed result to a database, a storage backend satisfying getgo.Tx interface should be provided to the getgo.Run method.

Understand Getgo

A getgo.Task is an interface to represent an HTTP crawler task that provides an HTTP request and a method to handle the HTTP response.

type Task interface {
	Handle(resp *http.Response) error

type Requester interface {
	Request() *http.Request

A getgo.Runner is responsible to run a getgo.Task. There are two concrete runners provided: SequentialRunner and ConcurrentRunner.

type Runner interface {
	Run(task Task) error // Run runs a task
	Close()              // Close closes the runner

A task that stores data into a storage backend should satisfy getgo.StorableTask interface.

type StorableTask interface {
	Handle(resp *http.Response, s Storer) error

A storage backend is simply an object satisfying getgo.Tx interface.

type Storer interface {
	Store(v interface{}) error

type Tx interface {
	Commit() error
	Rollback() error

See getgo.Run method to understand how a StorableTask is combined with a storage backend and adapted to become a normal Task to allow a Runner to run it.

There are currently a PostgreSQL storage backend provided by Getgo, and it is not hard to support more backends (See getgo/db package for details).

The easier way to define a task for an HTML page is to define a task satisfying getgo.HTMLTask rather than getgo.Task, there are adapters to convert internally an HTMLTask to a Task so that a Runner can run an HTMLTask. The Handle method of HTMLTask provides an already parsed HTML DOM object (by html-query package).

type HTMLTask interface {
	Handle(root *query.Node, s Storer) error

Similarly, a task for retrieving a JSON page should satisfy getgo.TextTask interface. An io.Reader is provided to be decoded by the encoding/json package.

type TextTask interface {
	Handle(r io.Reader, s Storer) error

GSpec: a productive Go test framework

28 May 2014

wercker status GoDoc

GSpec is an expressive, reliable, concurrent and extensible Go test framework that makes it productive to organize and verify the mind model of software.

  • Expressive: a complete runnable specification can be organized via both BDD and table driven styles.
  • Reliable: the implementation has minimal footprint and is tested with 100% coverage.
  • Concurrent: test cases can be executed concurrently or sequentially.
  • Extensible: customizable BDD cue words, expectations and test reporters.
  • Compatible: “go test” is sufficient but not mandatory to run GSpec tests.

Quick start

Get GSpec

go get -u -f h12.io/gspec
go test h12.io/gspec/...

Write tests with GSpec

According to the convention of Go, write GSpec tests in file xxx_test.go to test code in xxx.go.

import (


// Only one suite.Add is needed for each xxx_test.go file.
var _ = gspec.Add(func(s gspec.S) {
	// BDD cue word is customizible.
	describe, given, when, it := s.Alias("describe"), s.Alias("given"), s.Alias("when"), s.Alias("it")
	// expectation cue word is customizible too.
	expect := gspec.Alias(s.FailNow)

	// A BDD example.
	describe("an integer i", func() {
		// setup
		i := 2
		defer func() {
			// teardown (if any)
		given("another integer j", func() {
			j := 3
			when("j is added to i", func() {
				i += j
				it("should become the sum of original i and j", func() {
					expect(i).Equal(5) // a passing case
			when("j is minused from i", func() {
				i -= j
				it("should become the difference of j minus i", func() {
					expect(i).Equal(4) // a failing case
			when("j is multiplied to i", nil) // a pending case

	// A table-driven example.
	testcase := s.Alias("testcase")
	describe("integer summation", func() {
		for _, c := range []struct{ i, j, sum int }{
			{1, 2, 3}, // a passing case
			{1, 1, 0}, // a failing case
		} {
			testcase(fmt.Sprintf(`%d + %d = %d`, c.i, c.j, c.sum), func() {
				expect(c.i + c.j).Equal(c.sum)

Write the following go test function for only once in any test file within the package (e.g. all_test.go).

import (

// Defined only once within a package.
func TestAll(t *testing.T) {

Run tests with “go test”

Run all the tests concurrently (sequencially by default) and display errors.

go test -concurrent

Run all the tests and view the complete specification.

go test -v

Run only a failing test case (even it is an entry in the driven table):

go test -focus 1/1

html-query: a fluent and functional approach to querying HTML DOM

20 January 2014

html-query is a Go package that provides a fluent and functional interface for querying HTML DOM. It is based on go.net/html.


  1. A simple example (under “examples” directory)

    r := get(`http://blog.golang.org/index`)
    defer r.Close()
    root, err := query.Parse(r)
    root.Div(Id("content")).Children(Class("blogtitle")).For(func(item *query.Node) {
        href := item.Ahref().Href()
        date := item.Span(Class("date")).Text()
        tags := item.Span(Class("tags")).Text()
        // ......
  2. Generator of html-query (under “gen” directory)

A large part of html-query is automatically generated from HTML spec. The spec is in HTML format, so the generator parses it using html-query itself.


Here is a simple explanation of the design of html-query.

Functional query expressions

All functional definitions are defined in html-query/expr package.

  1. Checker and checker composition
    A checker is a function that accept and conditionally returns a *html.Node.

    type Checker func(*html.Node) *html.Node

    Here are some checker examples:


    Checkers can be combined as boolean expressions:

    And(Id("id1"), Class("c1"))
    Or(Class("c1"), Class("c2"))
    And(Class("c1"), Not(Class("c2")))
  2. Checker builder
    A checker builder is a function that returns a checker. “Id”, “Class”, “And”, “Or”, “Not” shown above are all checker builders. There are also some checker builder builder (function that returns a checker builder) defined in html-query when needed.

Fluent interface

Fluent interface (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface) are defined in html-query package.

  1. Root node
    Function Parse returns the root node of an html document.

  2. Node finder
    Method Node.Find implements a BFS search for a node, e.g.

    node.Find(Div, Class("id1"))

    But usually you can write the short form:

  3. Attribute getter Method Node.Attr can be used to get the value (or a regular expression submatch of the value) of a node, e.g.

    node.Attr("href", "\(.*)")

    But usually you can write the short form:

  4. Node iterator
    Method Node.Children and Node.Descendants each returns a node iterator (NodeIter). Method NodeIter.For can be used to loop through these nodes.


If you prefer a jquery like DSL rather than functional way, you might want to try goquery.

Cwrap: wraps C libraries in Go

1 January 2014

Cwrap is a Go wrapper generator for C libraries.


  • No Cgo types exposed out of the wrapper package, and uses as less allocation/copy as possible.
  • C name prefix mapped to Go packages, and a wrapper package can import another wrapper package.
  • Follows Go naming conventions.
  • C union.
  • Use Go language features when possible:
    • string and bool.
    • Multiple return values.
    • Slice, slice of slice and slice of string.
    • struct with methods.
    • Go closures as callbacks.
  • Stay out of the way when you need to do it manually for specified declarations.


Cwrap itself is a Go package rather than an executable program. Just fill a cwrap.Package struct literal and call its Wrap method to generate your wrapper package under $GOPATH. Here is a simple example:

Say you want to generate a wrapper package for SDL2, and its header is at


So the cwrap.Package literal looks like:

var sdl = &Package{
	PacName: "sdl",
	PacPath: "go-sdl",
	From: Header{
		Dir:           "/usr/local/include/",
		File:          "SDL2/SDL.h",
		OtherCode:     "#define _SDL_main_h",
		NamePattern:   `\ASDL(.*)`,
		Excluded:      []string{},
		CgoDirectives: []string{"pkg-config: sdl2"},
		BoolTypes:     []string{"SDL_bool"},
	Included: []*Package{},

Then just call

err := sdl.Wrap()


In the examples directory, there are C libraries that I have successfully applied Cwrap, including:

  • Cairo
  • GSL (GNU Scientific Library)
  • MuPDF
  • PLplot
  • SDL2 (Simple DirectMedia Layer)

You are very welcome to submit examples you think useful to others.


Issue Report

Cwrap may not cover every possible case and fails to come up with a corrresonding Go type or convertion, then the generated code may not be able to compile. When this happens, do the following steps:

  1. Comment out the failed function wrappers till it compiles.
  2. Add the C names of these failed functions to the excluded list (Package.From.Excluded).
  3. Submit the generator example to me. I cannot guarantee anything but I will try to fix critical issues.


  • C variadic functions (…) are not supported.


Cwrap uses gccxml (http://gccxml.github.io) to parse C headers to an XML file. Thanks very much for their excellent work.