- Ebook manager: Calibre
- Kindle PDF optimizer: k2pdfopt
- PDF Border Cropper Briss
- CHM File Extractor archmage
PDF editing Xournal
convert images to PDF
sudo apt-get install imagemagick convert *.jpg pictures.pdf
convert between different formats:
sudo apt-get install calibre ebook-convert xxx.mobi xxx.txt --unsmarten-punctuation
Schemata: database scheme extractor & code generator in Go
19 May 2015Database scheme extractor & code generator in Go. Supported database:
- SQLite
How to "go get" Behind a Proxy
6 May 2015Proxy for “go get”
https_proxy=http://user:pass@proxy_host:port go get ...
Proxy for Git
In $HOME/.gitconfig
proxy = proxy_url
Proxy for Mercurial
In $HOME/.hgrc
host = host:port
user = ...
passwd = ...
Tips on SSH
28 April 2015Generate SSH keys
ssh-keygen -C [email protected]
Authorize public key at remote server
ssh-copy-id user@host
On Mac OSX, ssh-copy-id
should be installed first.
brew install ssh-copy-id
Generate PEM
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -e -m pem > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pem
Copy file by base64
On remote session, run base64 < myfile
and copy the output.
On local terminal, run base64 -d > myfile
, paste the content and press ctrl+D
How to Generate XSD Schema from XML?
23 April 2015Apache XMLBeans is an old tool but still functioning. Download and uncompress the latest binary release, then run inst2xsd under bin folder (needs JDK).
inst2xsd xxx.xml
A Developer's Guide to Password Management
18 February 2015This article is intended to be a comprehensive recipe to password management, assuming:
- You are a developer
- You have to manage dozens of passwords, ssh key pairs and possibly some secret documents
- You want strong security on each of them
- You do not want to forget any of them but do not either want to spend too much time memorizing them
- You want to access your passwords from both your computers and mobile devices
The proposed solution includes:
- An unbreakable encryption standard (OpenPGP) and its open source implementation (GnuPG)
- An open source password manager built on top of it (pass)
- Memorizing one strong master pass phrase
- A backup plan: do not put all your eggs in one basket
Install Prerequisites
On Linux:
sudo apt-get install gnupg
sudo apt-get install pass
On Android:
On iOS:
Preparing PGP Keys
If you are already a PGP user, skip this step, otherwise, you are going to generate:
- A master keypair (public/private keys)
- A sub keypair for password encryption/decryption
gpg --gen-key
This command will generate a master keypair associated with your true identity ( you may later want to use the PGP key pair for encrypted, digitally signed email).
- Kind: RSA and RSA
- Bits: 4096
- Expire: key does not expire
- Real name: <real-name>
- Email address: <email-address>
- Comment: <comment>
- Pass phrase: <master-pass-phrase>
To make the process faster, you shouse increase the system randomness. Run in another terminal:
sudo rngd -f -r /dev/urandom
When finished, a master key pair and an associated sub key pair will be created. To see a list of your keys, type:
gpg --list-keys
You will see:
pub 4096R/<master-key-id> <date>
uid <real-name> <<email-address>>
sub 4096R/<sub-key-id> <date>
The <sub-key-id>
is the name of the key to encrypt/decrypt your stored passwords.
Optionally, you can strengthen it by changing the encryption preferences.
gpg --edit-key <email-address>
And type:
setpref SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
Intialize a Pass Store
A password store is simply a directory including encrypted files, and each of them contains a password (the first line) and extra information (rest of the file).
cd <pass-store>
pass init <sub-key-id>
Password Management Tips
Replace Existing Passwords with Strong Ones
Generate a random password (15 characters):
pass generate <account-name> 15
An encrypted file
To add extra information like user name or URL for the service:
pass edit <account-name>
Then you can update the password online accordingly.
Put a password into Clipboard for 45 seconds
pass -c <account-name>
Avoid typing master passwords repeatedly
Add configuration file $HOME/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
and remember the master
password for 3600 seconds:
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
default-cache-ttl 3600
max-cache-ttl 3600
Store SSH keys
Store SSH public key as the password in the pass store, and encrypt the private key in the rest of the file.
To change a Git remote from HTTPS to SSH:
git remote set-url origin git@<domain-name>:<repo-path>.git
Backup Plan
Prepare for the following extreme case:
- Both your laptop and cell phone containing the pass store and PGP keys are damaged or stolen.
- But you can still remember the master pass phrase.
Use a remote Git repository to backup the password store
cd <pass-store>
pass git init
pass git remote add origin <remote-git-url>
pass git push
Backup PGP keys
Export all the key pairs (including both master and sub keys):
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor <email-address> > <private-key-file>
gpg --export --armor <email-address> > <public-key-file>
Keep the files in a safe, secret place!
To restore the keys from backup:
gpg --import <private-key-file> <public-key-file>
Hide PGP Master Private Key
AFTER the full backup of your PGP keys, you can choose to delete the master private key on the device with the pass store, because only the sub key pair is needed for encryption/decryption. The deletion will not protect your pass store, but it will protect your identity associated with the master key.
gpg --export-secret-subkeys <email-address> > subkeys
gpg --delete-secret-key <email-address>
gpg --import subkeys
shred --remove subkeys
Security Limitation
PGP itself is secure and robust, but it all depends on how well you can preserve and protect your PGP key pair and master pass phrase.
A Brief Note on Scientific Web Surfing
14 February 2015Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. — by Kofi Annan.
- CloudsVM
- Vultr
- DigitalOcean
- BandwagonHOST
- Client Area -> Services -> Order New Services
- 64MB RAM is enough for running both ShadowSocks and pdnsd
- Install Ubuntu LTS 32bit (x86, i686) or CentOS 7.
Install CentOS 7 (64bit)
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/librehat/shadowsocks/repo/epel-7/librehat-shadowsocks-epel-7.repo
yum update
yum install shadowsocks-libev
cd /etc/shadowsocks-libev/
vim config.json
# server should be
vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/shadowsocks-libev.service
# replace all $variables to constant values to fix the bug
systemctl enable shadowsocks-libev
systemctl start shadowsocks-libev
wget http://members.home.nl/p.a.rombouts/pdnsd/releases/pdnsd-1.2.9a-par_sl6.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall pdnsd-1.2.9a-par_sl6.x86_64.rpm
vim /etc/pdnsd.conf
pdnsd.conf (replace the port)
global {
run_as = "pdnsd";
server_ip =;
server_port = [xxxx];
server {
label = "GoogleDNS";
ip =,;
timeout = 3;
Then run:
systemctl enable pdnsd
systemctl start pdnsd
Install Docker on VPS.
Remote Proxy
Install shadowsocks:
docker run -d -p <port>:<port> h12w/shadowsocks -p <port> -k <password> -m aes-128-cfb -t 60
Remote DNS server
Install pdnsd:
docker run -d -p [port]:53 -p [port]:53/udp h12w/pdnsd
To test the DNS server:
dig @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p xxxx www.linux.com
Local OpenWrt Router
Install openwrt-shadowsocks & ChinaDNS on an OpenWrt router.
Follow the instructions on OpenWrt-Dist:
Check CPU model of the router:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
add the following to /etc/opkg.conf
src/gz openwrt_dist http://openwrt-dist.sourceforge.net/releases/[cpu model]/packages
src/gz openwrt_dist_luci http://openwrt-dist.sourceforge.net/releases/luci/packages
and install:
opkg update
opkg install ChinaDNS
opkg install luci-app-chinadns
opkg install shadowsocks-libev-spec
opkg install luci-app-shadowsocks-spec
opkg install bind-dig
Or manually download IPKs of the corresponding CPU:
Copy *.ipk
to router:
scp *.ipk [email protected]:/tmp
And install:
opkg install shadowsocks-libev-spec_xxx.ipk
opkg install ChinaDNS_xxx.ipk
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks enable
/etc/init.d/chinadns enable
ShadowSocks configuration in /etc/config/shadowsocks
config shadowsocks
option config_file '/etc/shadowsocks/config.json'
option tunnel_enable '0'
It refers to /etc/shadowsocks/config.json
"server": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",
"server_port": xxxx,
"local_port": xxxx,
"password": "xxxxxx",
"method": "aes-128-cfb",
"timeout": 60
ChinaDNS configuration in /etc/config/chinadns
config chinadns
option chnroute '/etc/shadowsocks/ignore.list'
option server '[isp_dns],[private_pdnsd_dns]'
Make sure [private_pdnsd_dns]
is the same IP:PORT as the remote pdnsd server.
ucitrack configuration in /etc/config/ucitrack
config shadowsocks
option init 'shadowsocks'
config chinadns
option init 'chinadns'
DHCP configuration in /etc/config/dhcp
config dnsmasq
list server ''
option noresolv '1'
option nohosts '1'
Use RedSocks2 to bypass the proxy when the target site is reachable.
Download RedSocks2:
Install RedSocks2:
scp *.ipk [email protected]:/tmp
opkg update
opkg install xxx.ipk
RedSocks2 will take effect immediately.
Upgrade OpenWRT
Download latest *.ipk
opkg update
opkg upgrade ipset libopenssl resolveip iptables-mod-tproxy
opkg install xxx.ipk
Merge configuration files manually.
Update ignore.list
wget -O- 'http://ftp.apnic.net/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest' | awk -F\| '/CN\|ipv4/ { printf("%s/%d\n", $4, 32-log($5)/log(2)) }' > ignore.list
scp ignore.list [email protected]:/etc/shadowsocks/ignore.list